Saturday, August 27, 2011


My fingers will be crossed for my friends currently living in the US. And do believe they`ll be fine.
Have you noticed all disasters hit at night?
They are also named after women. (See Women, Fire and Dangerous things by George Lakoff)
An earthquake and a hurricane within a week must mean something.

Friday, August 19, 2011

gone with the wind

Being busy is absolutely mandatory when things get as exciting as a brick wall. Having survived a week of complete brain-suction and ever-so-growing disappointment with people, aka virtual friends, I`ve decided to unfriend virtuality. I wish to become more reality-focused. Two things I cannot overlook - envy and copyright vioaltion. Both can be extensively observed on our newsfeed and I am sure if Jesus gave a shit about human comfort, he would remove those bloody people from the web.
Adi`s Cook & Book is a good place to get to know people. Outside the web. I dare say outside reality. It`s a place where Wonderland meets Skara Bar but in a good way. It`s relaxed and high-brow. It juggles with absolute utopia and the sketches of the city. Somewhat exceptional. The bathroom notes say:
Find a man who can make you laugh.
Find a man with a good job and one who can cook.
Find a man who is honest.
Find a man who can give you presents.
Find a man who is good in bed.
Make sure the five never meet. Oh well...
I saw a house being demolished, possibly with the intention to be rebuilt. I saw the bricks getting bitten off by the machine. Planes were flying above me, their overwhelming purr deafening my thoughts. A conspicupus woman asked for a fag. Told her I was smoking the last one. A genuine lie. I had three more. I ate fusili in the Go Pasta shop, read Still-life with Woodpecker and listened to French chansons while eating. It was like talking to a mirror - you know what you are doing but you find it mesmerising.
Never have I considered living with oneself so intricate.