I don`t know how long I had been looking at her when she glanced at me. I was facing her but couldn`t see her eyes. I only say the arch of her brows that were a bit darker than her strawberry-blond hair. She came closer as she wanted to put out her cigarette in the ashtray. She looked down and her eyes remained a mystery.
"Hey" I ventured. I hadn`t realised how small she was until she looked up at me. It felt like I had interfered with her privacy, I was not welcome.
"Hey" she managed a smile and it softened her sharp facial features. I couln`t help looking at her legs, couldn`t defy whet seemed to be a birth mark.
"Aren`t you cold out here, it`s freezing". (And you`re wearing that flimsy dress reavealing your strong thighs and I `m dying to touch them, I thought).
"You`re wearing a T-shirt , must be equally cold." She was mad for some reason, I could tell. I didn`t give up, though.
"Well yes, but I`m a man..."
Ring the alarm!
The latter gave her such a laugh that she showed me all her pearly teeth in a huge hearty smile.
"You`re a man! Alright. I`m a woman but presumptions are so not today, Mr..."
"Graham. Adam Graham."
"You see, Mr Graham. I am not cold. I was made from Adam`s bone, I`ve got as much of your male resistance as you. Historically speaking, we`re the same. I cannot get cold just because I barely got a dress on. "
"You cannot say it`s history-related. It`s more old testament-related which is basically the best conspiracy that ever occurred to man, which means that tomorrow you might be in need of a paracetamol."
Her eyes glared. She was a cat maybe? Her eyes were of that melted-gold colour that I rarely saw on a human. I saw them on cats. But that wasn`t a relief. That was scary because she started to look like a witch to me. Her hair reached her jaw-line and curled in an angelic sort of way. I was way too focused on her face. Beautiful, she was not. But I was helpless when it came to looking at her, it was extraordinary.
"OK, I`ll be getting in then. Get warm and all."
"It was lovely chatting to you" I lied. It was not lovely, you morron. It was enchanting but not necessarily in the nice way. She feigned a smile.
"Yeah. You`re a bad liar" This time she gave me a sympathetic look. Was it her hair that smelled like mist and ozone or was it November? I was too drunk, November doesn`t smell. Hair doesn`t emit ozone.
She went in and I stayed outside for another couple of minutes. Alcohol is wrong. It is wrong. You see witches and stuff. They smoke cigarettes with their juicy lips and you just feel horny, that`s all.
I decided to forget it all and went in with my friends. The music was so loud I suddenly felt really tired. I was thirty after all, a man of age.
I had almost reached my table when I saw the witch being kissed by a guy who looked not much older than me. She was kissing him back.
to be continued...