I`m afraid I`ve settled in the comfortable position of producing nothing new and just translating or re-posting old stuff. I refrain from calling it lazy. I`d rather go for fastidious (longer words tend to sound more assertive...dogmatic even) . One thing at a time. The thing being nothing in particular. Just read an interview with yoga master Prakash who claimed women were more prone to switching from one state to another easily because they were more capable of feeling nothingness. In that case the latter is certainly a positive word. Nothigness equals relaxation and meditative processes. To illustrate this: a woman, according to Prakash, can be a lover, a mother, a bitch, a friend almost simultaneously for she can use the state of nothingness as a trampoline to various emotionally consuming states of being. Curious, innit...
I haven`t the vaguest idea about the state I`m in and I`m not really trying to define it, I just tend to analyze it without even aiming at reaching an absolute answer.
Prakash also said that a woman produces butterflies. She is the source of butterflies and doesn`t have to get them elsewhere.
I knew it.
photo: here
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