Monday, February 21, 2011

Two divided by two

She was sure he remembered everything. When a person remembers eveything, they pretend they are numb and deaf. They don`t need texting, calling or dating to live with the memory as if it were a living creature. A memory behaves just like a woman- it haunts your newly arranged and perfectly ordered life only to let you know you`re a loser.

So, he remembered. She was certain, for she couldn`t let go of the thought of him herself. There was an almost palpitating sensation about this thought- it smelled of him, of cigarettes and all 7 of the deadly sins. She never found him handsome but he had those perfect eyes that you couldn`t really count as sincere. Beаutiful is hardly ever true.

The minute she pushed the massive door of the jewellery store she was hit by the familiar smell and, in a ludicrous moment of self-preservation, she hid her face behind her hands as if preparing to avoid a fist. It took her an eternity of 3 seconds to realise there was not going to be a fire in the shop, it was just her cheeks that flushed at the sight of him. What the hell?!

"Hey, are you ok?", his voice couldn`t help giving out the anaesthetizised intimacy between them but he quickly took control of this frivolous question by not reaching to shake her hand.

Ex-lovers are allowed to shake hands, aren`t they?

"Hey."A short sigh. She somehow managed to look friendly, cool and nonchalant despite the awkward please-don`t-hit-me situation.

"Long time no see. How have you been?"

"Same old, you know. Got promoted at work." What?! Why on earth did you have to say it, stupid cow? How is that of any relevance.

"Good, good. I`ve told you you would go far. You have the chin of someone who knows how to get things done their way. "

OK, a year ago she used to have the chin of a fairy (and the breasts of a goddess) but now she was almost called a go-getter.

"Yeah..." , she decided not to brood too much on the perspective of becoming like her boss. Instead, she decided to swiftly move out of the topic and the shop. At the speed of sound, preferably. "What are you doing here?"

The longest silence on earth followed. She saw his Italian eyes turn darkish and she suddenly found them surprisingly unattractive. Maybe this time he was going to tell the truth?

"I`ve come to choose a ring. I`m getting married... "

A ring. Married. It sounded like he was going to dissect a frog and then analize its viscera. Very matter-of-factly.

"Congratulations!"she felt she almost shouted it at his face but it was already too late to think about her dignity. "Give my best wishes to your future wifey."

At least she managed some sarcasm. She hoped he got it. Apperently he was not completely at ease with the direction their conversation at the jeweller`s door was taking, so he decided to wind it up fairly soon.

"Thank you".

Yeah how about eat shit and die, wanker, she thought.

"Ok, I`ll be going now. Buy the best and dearest earrings you can think of!"

He remembered her passion about statement earrings. Her heart skipped a beat when she added:

"Oh, I`m not shopping for earrings now. I`m getting my wedding ring taken in."