She left her knickers just before courage left her. The middle of nowhere was an indefinite place, sombre and sticky, owls were hooting. She was standing there, the omnicient cigarette in her bony fingers dying slowly. She had forgotten to smoke. Her naked body looked like a violin string or more like a candle againts the moonlight.
I had never thought I would see her naked in the wild. I had just fucked the most beautiful girl in the world, a few days after I had had business brunch with her.
Monna`s hair was damp with sweat and it embraced her cheeks like a cobweb. We had our first sex in a godforsaken place, somewhere off-road, somewhere non-exquisite, almost non-existent. It was obvious we had to hide. We didn`t need trouble in our lives. She was, after all, in a relationship; she claimed it was a happy one.
After a few business dinners we grew closer. I started texting her, I started "coming across her" ever more often until I reached the state when I found sexual relief neither in porn, nor in girls.
That night I asked to drive her home. She did not object. She didn`t say much in the car, her eyes were more interested in the road. I can`t say I was relaxed. Her body fragrance attracted me like a moth to a flame. Musky it was, sweet and striking, somewhat animalistic. She mentioned she needed to get some fresh air so could I , please, take my time. Where do you wanna go? Nowhere, just drive. I could tell something had pissed her off OR she was a bloody good actress. She then put her small palm on the gear lever and I put the car to a halt without even noticing it. Next thing I knew was her pale face coming towards me and her lips brushing mine. We stared at each other for a few seconds, or more like a few eternities. The fullness of her mouth was all mine now, I could feel it, only I didn`t want to violate it so soon. I waited, then she waited, then we sank.
In a cat-like movement of her slender figure she ended up in my lap. My hands responded quickly and grabbed her derriere, which felt perfect. She started writhing convulsively and it was like a trigger to my own turn-on. The silk blouse she was wearing was soon unbuttoned reavealing the milky skin of her breasts. I couldn`t help it, couldn`t take it, so I stood still till I could get a grip. She ran her fingers through my hair and drew my head straight into her bloody heart. I saw her pink nipples gazing at me in a sort of kaleidoscopic manner, I was tempted, I squeezed them between my thumb and index, then served them into my mouth. I was certain her breasts emitted nirvana.
She unzipped my pants and put her hand on me. She remained like this for a short while, then gave a sigh.
Help me get rid of this.
We peeled my trousers down my legs so the only thing that kept her away from me was my underwear. Her back was so straight I was sure she was all high voltage. She bent slowly towards me, gave me a taste of her tongue and folded my penis with her hands. She spread her legs as much as the space in the car allowed it and then closed her pink (sure it was pink) walls tight around me. We started moving impatiently, back and forth, back and forth, and for the first time I felt I was losing it. She was so independent, she didn`t need any encouragement, she had the freedom of a person who had nothing to lose. She filled her body with air and then lit fires with it. I could sense her strength and was wondering how her depths could be so welcoming and so indifferent at the same time.
She grabbed my shoulders and speeded up. I couldn`t take my eyes off her, it was impossible, she had to be looked at. Her red hair was like a beacon. We were both breathing like we were fighting for our lives. A few minutes later she started squirming and the moment she held her breath I knew she had come. A short cry followed. Her wet body glistned as she was trying to relax her lungs and the contractions of her uterus. I felt I couldn`t hold it any more so I took my penis out of her and came, reluctantly, in my own palm.
She got a hankie out of her bag and gave it to me. Ever so naked she jumped out of the car and lit a cigarette. Her knickers were long forgotten, a small ball in her feet. It was freezing outside, but she was steaming hot.
I said I needed some fresh air.
Glad I could help.
She smiled to herself and withdrew in her own thoughts.
Can we go now, please. He`ll probably be home soon.